- Active Half-Life: 8-10 hours
- Dosage: 15-50mg man 5-15 women
- Acne Side Effect: Rare
- Water Retention: No
- Increased HBR: No
- Hepatoxity: Low risk
- Aromatization: No
- Detection time: 3 weeks
What is Oxandrolone?
Oxandrolone, sold under the brand name Anavar, is an anabolic steroid. One of Anavar’s many uses is as a performance-enhancing steroid that can help its user gain muscle fast. For those looking to lose fat, Anavar helps with that too!
What makes Anavar different from other similar products?
One of the major reasons Anavar remains the steroid of choice for bodybuilders and the average gym-goer looking to bulk up is its low risk of hepatotoxicity. Compared to other steroids, this one is a lot easier on the liver. It also has relatively mild side effects compared to other steroids.
What are the possible side effects and how do I prevent them?
Like all drugs, Oxandrolone does come with some side effects you’ll have to watch out for. While liver activity is low compared to similar products, you will still have elevated AST and ALT levels, however, without pre-existing conditions, this will be a small increase. As a DHT-based steroid, there exists the possibility of acne, male pattern baldness, and prostate enlargement as a result of use. For preventing hair loss, use DHT blocking shampoo to protect your follicles. For acne, practicing good skincare should help prevent this issue.
What is the cycle like?
For beginners, it’s best to start out slow. This means starting low, at 15 mg per day for 3 weeks, and increasing to 20mg a day for another 3. It’s generally considered safe to extend this up to 8 weeks. You can begin to increase your doses after the first cycle, up to a max of 50mg. Your expected lose weight / muscle gain in kg will vary depending on methods. But you should expect to lose about 2kg of fat and gain 4 kg of muscle every 3 months.
What is post-cycle therapy like?
As a mild steroid, PCT isn’t essential, but it is recommended. For PCT, it’s recommended you take at least HCG and Clomid. Clomid should be used at around 40mg per day, and HCG at a level of 250IU every 3-5 days is acceptable. PCT helps you lock in your gains, and prevent the uncomfortable mood swings and fatigue that occur after a cycle.
What should I take Anavar with?
While it’s suggested you stick to just Anavar, it is possible to stack it with other chemicals. Anavar at 10mg/day can be taken with Winstrol at 15mg/day. And whether you decide to go solo, or start on a stack, Testosterone is always a good addition. Just 150mg/week of Testosterone can make a huge difference.