What is Sustanon?
Sustanon is a unique blend of 4 different testosterone esters. This blend is made from isocaproate, decanoate, propionate, and phenylpropionate testosterone esters. This mix provides users with both a short and long-term testosterone boost.
What makes Sustanon different from similar products?
Unlike other testosterone products, this blend contains multiple esters. What this means is the time it takes for the body to break down and utilize the testosterone is different for each part of the blend. Because of this, Sustanon can keep you going throughout the whole week, unlike other products that only give you a short boost.
What are the possible side effects and how do I prevent them?
As this is a testosterone-based product, it can cause a variety of side effects. The chance of developing acne can be reduced with proper skincare and diet. Male pattern baldness is also a concern, but the risk can be mitigated with DHT-blocking shampoo. You can also take up to 3mg/day of fish oil to protect your cardiovascular system and enhance joint function.
What is the cycle like?
As always, it’s best to start low and go slow. Beginners should start on a 7-week cycle taking around 200mg/week for their first 2 weeks. For weeks 3-5, you can increase this to 300mg/week, capping off your last 2 weeks with 350mg/week. Intermediate and advanced users can start out a 10-week cycle with 250mg/week, increasing to 500mg/week. For longer cycles, it’s important to taper off on your last 2 or so weeks, decreasing back to your starting dose of 250mg/week.
What is the post cycle therapy like?
Your PCT should begin about 2 weeks after your last dose of the steroid because this is around the time for the long esters to fully leave your body. When starting your PCT cycle, you can take HCG at around 1000IU every 3 to 4 days, increasing to around 2000IU near the end of your 20-day cycle. You should also be taking at least 50-100mg/day of Clomid.
What should I take Sustanon with?
First-time users of Susta should stay with a solo cycle so their bodies can get used to the drug. But for advanced users, it can be taken with Anavar, Nandrolone, or Trenbolone to enhance their gains. For a cutting cycle, Anavar at 20mg/day for 8 weeks can be used in combination with Sustanon at 400mg/week. For advanced users looking to bulk, you can use Sustanon at up to 600mg/week along with Nandrolone at 300mg/week for a maximum 10-week cycle. For both bulking and cutting, you can go with 150mg/week of Trenbolone along with 600mg/week of Sustanon. These combos can increase your expected lose weight / muscle gain in kg.