What is Trenabolone Enanthate?
The enanthate form of Trenabolone is a long acting form of the popular steroid. A staple of the bodybuilding world, Trenabolone remains incredibly popular since its discovery in 1963.
What makes Trenabolone Enanthate different from similar products?
The enanthate form of Trenabolone is a long-lasting steroid that provides its user with slow-building but stable effects. It requires fewer injections per week than its acetate cousin, and is less likely to result in “Tren Cough”. Tren Enan is also considered one of the most powerful steroids currently on the market.
What are the possible side effects and how do I prevent them?
While a rare side-effect, acne could occur due to use, a proper skin-care regimen however can prevent the worst of its effects. Increases in blood pressure are also possible but can be aided with a proper diet and 4g/day of fish oil. As an anabolic steroid, male pattern baldness is a concern but can be mitigated with the use of DHT-blocking shampoo.
What is the cycle like?
For beginners, a 6-week cycle of Trenabolone at 100mg/week in one injection is recommended. Intermediate users can move to 300mg/week, recommended in two 150mg injections throughout the week, but can also be taken in one injection. Advanced users can move to 500mg/week, but this should absolutely be spaced into two or more injections throughout the week to avoid any discomfort or harsh side effects.
What is the post cycle therapy like?
PCT should begin 2-3 weeks after your last dosage and should last around 40-45 days. You should take HCG at 2000 IU every 2-3 days for a period of 25 days. Supplement this with 50-100mg/day of Clomid for the entire 45 day period. 40mg/day of Nolvadex can also be used to help lock in gains and stave off issues with your endogenous testosterone levels.
What should I take Trenabolone Enanthate with?
Trenabolone Enanthate can be taken with a variety of other compounds to improve your expected lose weight / muscle gain in kg. The simplest of which is combining it with a similarly long-lasting ester of testosterone, such as enanthate or cypionate. For a 10-week cycle, you would take up to 150mg/week of Trenbolone, and 600mg/week of Testosterone. Winstrol can also be stacked with Tren at 20mg/day of Winstrol and 150mg/week of Trenbolone. And a far more effective but riskier stack of Tren and Anadrol can also be used for massive gains. A 10-week cycle would include 150mg/week of Tren for the entire duration, and then adding 50mg/day of Anadrol starting on week 3 until the end of the cycle.