What is Testosterone Cypionate?
Testosterone Cypionate is an anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. It has a long chain ester that provides a slow release to keep you going throughout the entire week.
What makes Testosterone Cypionate different from similar products?
One of the key differences between the cypionate ester and others is its long-lasting effect. This means that the product provides a sustained burst of testosterone throughout the whole week, instead of just all at once. This allows one injection to last in the bloodstream for about a 2 week period. It’s also known to be less irritating on injection compared to other testosterone formulations.
What are the possible side effects and how do I prevent them?
As a testosterone product, there are some side effects to be on the lookout for. A common one, acne, can be reduced or eliminated by following a proper skin-care regime and eating a well-balanced diet. Male pattern baldness can also occur during use but can be limited by DHT-blocking shampoo. Proper PCT will also help to alleviate these symptoms and possible gynecomastia.
What is the cycle like?
For beginners, a 7-week cycle is recommended. Starting at 200mg/week of testosterone cypionate for weeks 1-2 Increasing to 300mg/week for weeks 3-5, and finishing off at 350mg/week for the last 2 weeks. For intermediate and advanced users, a 10-week cycle starting at 200mg/week can be used. This is increased to 400mg/week for weeks 2-5, and 500mg/week for weeks 6-9, and finishing off at 200mg/week for the last week.
What is the post cycle therapy like?
PCT should begin around 14-20 days after your last dose, as you need to let it fully leave your body before beginning. As it’s fairly easy on the body, a 20 day PCT cycle should be more than enough. Take around 1000-1500 IU of HCG every 3-4 days, and 50mg/day of Clomid for a full recovery.
What should I take Testosterone Cypionate with?
Beginners should start off with just Test C, but for intermediate and advanced users, it can be taken with either Dianabol or Nandrolone. For a 10 week cycle, use Cypio at 200mg/week for the first week, increasing to 400mg/week until week 5, and add in 10mg/day of Dianabol starting at week 3. At week 6 you can increase the testosterone to 500mg/week, and the Dianabol to 20mg/day. At week 10 you’re going to want to taper off the test with 200mg/week. For a nandrolone cycle, a 10-week cycle will have you using testosterone at 600mg/week and the nandrolone at 300mg/week. While mixing any steroid can increase your expected lose weight / muscle gain in kg, you should follow any combos with an agressive pct cycle.